The Oregon Legislature Gives Metro Cover Against a Public Vote on Convention Center Hyatt

The Oregon Legislature has handed Metro extra protection against a public vote on the 600-room Hyatt hotel proposed for the Oregon Convention Center.

The state House today passed a bill assuring the project and its $78 million in taxpayer subsidies are exempt from a vote.

As WW first reported in March, opponents of the proposed hotel are are currently in court battling Metro, the regional government that's backing the hotel and wants to avoid a vote.

Metro introduced Senate Bill 927 to clarify that Metro's charter—which declares most of its capital projects are exempt from a vote—supersedes state requirements to send such projects to the ballot.

The state Senate voted yes in March.

The bill passed the House this morning on a 35-24 vote, largely along party lines with Democrats supporting it. It now heads to the desk of Gov. Kate Brown.

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