Beer Guide 2014: Upright


240 N Broadway, Suite 2, 735-5337, 4:30-9 pm Friday, 1-6 pm Saturday-Sunday, 6 pm-tipoff before Blazers home games. 

Everything about Upright embodies Coco Chanel's famous saying, "Elegance is refusal." When most breweries are packing in more of everything—more hops, more strange fruits, more alcohol—Upright's strongest beer is only 8 percent ABV. Instead, they choose to distinguish themselves with craftsmanship and the occasional wacky but perfectly realized twist. Burrow your way into the basement of the Leftbank building (preferably not right before a Blazers game) and into their tasting room. Of their bottled beers, the hoppy Five is gloriously subtle and fragrant. A seasonal Noel is as complex and layered as any perfume or tea, with floral and minty overtones lying over a dry, earthy rye base. Don't forget to check the tiny fridge for any prized limited editions to serve at your next dinner party, and bring enough cash to pay for it all. ADRIENNE SO.

DRINK THIS: Four Play, which is their wheat Four aged for a year in casks with cherries and (yum!) weird bacteria. Tart without being overpowering, with cinnamon notes in the nose. 

Portland-Area Breweries from A to Z
 | Beer of the Year | Favorite Beers #2-10

Portland-Area Cideries | Top 5 Ciders of the Year Beer Bars and Bottle Shops

Local Growler Makers | Surprising Growler Fills | Homebrew Shops

Restaurants With Great Beer | Local Beer and Liquor Pairings

An Oral History of BridgePort IPA | Beer Events Calendar | Beer Tours

Day Sips: North Oregon CoastHood RiverEugeneSeattle

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