Kitzhaber Uses Campaign Funds for Home Security System

Former Gov. John Kitzhaber

Oregon's notoriously lax campaign finance laws mean that although candidates and elected officials cannot accept gifts worth more than $50, they are allowed spend campaign funds on virtually anything. But an expenditure this week by normally frugal Gov. John Kitzhaber was unusual even by Oregon pols' free-spending standards.

On July 15, Kitzhaber reported using nearly $7,400 in leftover campaign funds to purchase a home security system. 

Here's what the elections division's 2010 Campaign Finance Manual says on the subject:

Kitzhaber, a former emergency room physician, earns a salary of about $94,000 and is entitled to live in a state-owned residence,
home of his ex-wife
ensure the safety of his family
may be legal, it is inappropriate.
absolutely appropriate

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