Feds Issue Final Approval for Coquille Tribal Casino in Medford
The green light comes after 13 years of process. Opposing tribes and Oregon’s senior U.S. senator still seek to block it.
Does Cutting Up Plastic Rings Really Protect Fish and Wildlife?
This famous photo was taken in 1993, just one year before federal regulations began requiring that six-pack yokes be made of plastic formulated to break down after a few months in the wild.
Three Candidates Vie for Appointment to Portland School Board Vacancy
The board will appoint one candidate to serve until the May election.
Judge Sentences Joey Gilliam for Stealing From His Father
The poisoning of Joe Gilliam remains unsolved, and he still cannot speak, walk or care for himself.
Long-Standing Northwest 21st Avenue Coffee Shop Anna Bannanas Splits
The comfy cafe had been serving coffee and sandwiches in town for 35 years.
Fashion Designer From Portland Dresses “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” Star
Erika Jayne wore custom-fit Colty Leather to an LGBTQ+ Pride party at The Viper Room.
Metro President Lynn Peterson Outlines Ballot Measure That Would Allow Use of Homeless Tax to Build Affordable Housing
The proposal would also extend the tax until 2050 and lower the tax rate in 2031.
AFSCME Holds Practice Picket at Portland Building as Contract Negotiations Near Precipice
Meanwhile, two city councilors are hatching a plan to reduce the temperature between the city and one of the unions.
Sharon Meieran Intercedes for RV Safe Park
City Councilor Dan Ryan, who helped open Sunderland, asked city staffers if the park was being closed to make room for a giant leaf mulching machine.
Former Oregon Department of Education Mental Health Director Says She Was Unfairly Fired
In a letter to the governor, Dr. B. Grace Bullock says her sudden termination was “unjust and arbitrary” and could jeopardize ODE grant funds.