Here Are the Winners of Portland Pet Pageant 2019!

The results are in! We have an Ultimate Supreme Pet champion for the Portland Pet Pageant 2019, presented by DoveLewis Veterinary Emergency and Specialty Hospital!

Sabah, Portland Pet Pageant's Ultimate Supreme Pet 2019. (Christine Dong)

What a fine selection of pets we saw this year.

We, the Portland Pet Pageant judges, were mesmerized and in awe of all these creatures. You all really brought out the top talent and we could not be more proud of you, Portland pets.

After the grueling work  of picking the 80 finalists to continue on in the competition, we turned to our readers to vote for the 20 title winners and Ultimate Supreme Pet.

And you made your voice heard! Our 2019 Ultimate Supreme Pet is Sabah, the stray kitty from St. Louis that has a fancy for pinot noir, fresh fish and his owner, Sammy Taylor.

Other title winners we had were Rocco the Rottweiler for "Heart of Gold"; Sookie the duck for "Most Rose City Spirit"; Porter the dog for "Most Golden Oldie"; and Mr. Smoosh Smoosh for "Tiniest Treasure".

Here is the ballot with all the results.

Sabah enjoys the title of Ultimate Supreme Pet winner, but not the crown. (Christine Dong)
Rocco, “Heart of Gold” title winner 2019. How can you not melt looking at this sweet face? This 4-year-old Rottweiler is sweet, gentle and great with kids, strangers and other pets. (Christine Dong)
Sookie, “Most Rose City Spirit” title winner 2019. She is just as unique and lovable as Portland itself. (Christine Dong)
Porter, “Most Golden Oldie” title winner 2019. You would never guess his age by how he acts—his owners describe him as 13 going on 2. His favorite activities include playing in the snow, swimming and dock-diving. (Christine Dong)
Mr. Smoosh Smoosh, “Tiniest Treasure” title winner 2019. The exotic shorthair has gone through some challenges in his young life. He had to endure three urinary blockages, perenical urethrostomy surgeries and countless vet appointments. But he never lost his positive attitude. (Christine Dong)

We want to say thank you to DoveLewis for once again sponsoring this great event, and also all of you voted. We understand this year there were some technical problems, and we are truly sorry about that. We're still working out the kinks and hope that next year it's better. And at least you got to look at some cute pets, right?

Pet Issue 2019 | Oregon's Pageant-Animal Parents | Can I Make My Cats Famous? | What Alt-Pet Is Right For You? | Five Awesome Portland Pet Companies | Portland's Bougie Pet Hotels | How To Live As a Professional Dog Walker | Pet Pageant Winners

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