In Portland, You Can See Every Movie Nominated For an Oscar in the Theater

We live in a city that makes it blissfully easy to soak it all up.

Hollywood Theater (Henry Cromett)

Portland moviegoers don't realize how good they have it. They buy tickets to Moonlight at Cinema 21 and order pizza with their subtitles at Living Room Theaters—while rarely acknowledging our unusual bounty of arthouse cinemas. When you live in the city of NW Film Center, it's easy to forget that there are places in America where you'd probably have to watch a bootleg copy of Elle to gear up for Oscar night.

Portland's access to Oscar-nominated fare is pretty staggering. This year, we have multiple Best Picture marathons to choose from: at Century Clackamas Town Center and Regal's Lloyd Center and Bridgeport, where one $35 ticket allows you to see all nine films nominated. Plus, the Hollywood Theatre is again screening all the animated Oscar-nominated shorts, including Pear Brandy and Cigarettes, which the theater enticingly promises will include "violence, language, sex, and drug use."

You can also catch up on Oscar-nominated films not up for Best Picture at Fox Tower and Living Room, which is also showing The Salesman, the already-beloved Best Foreign Language Film nominee. And if you really want to be an Oscar completist, you can rent out-of-theaters contenders like The Lobster and Hail, Caesar! from Clinton Street Video or Movie Madness. And that's if you missed Lobster when it was at Cinema 21 or the Hollywood, and Caesar when it played at multiple Portland theaters last year.

The weeks leading up to the Oscars are a time for basking in everything from the gravity-defying theatrics of La La Land to the scalding anti-Trumpism of Arrival, and we live in a city that makes it blissfully easy to soak it all up.

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